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Cell Phone Policy

Cell Phones in School

Beginning in the Fall 2024, Central Valley will enforce a ban on all cell phones during the instructional day. This includes cell phones and any other devices capable of two-way messaging or communication. School-issued devices and devices used to monitor specific health conditions are exempt.

The ban only covers the instructional day:

  • 7:30 a.m.–2:30 p.m. for grades 5-12
  • 8:30 a.m.–2:40 p.m. for grades PK-4)

Students in grades PK-4 will leave their devices on silent in their backpacks.

Students in grades 5-12 may:

  • Leave their cell phones at home, 
  • Leave their cell phones in their vehicle if they drive to school, or
  • Lock their cell phones in a school provided-lock box in their morning Advisory and pick them up at the end of the instructional day in their afternoon Advisory.  

To get an important message to their children:

  1. A parent/guardian can call the school's main office.  Office personnel will relay the message to the student. If the message is personal/private, staff will call the student to the office to speak directly with the parent/guardian.
  2. Students can access personal email accounts (ex. Yahoo, gmail, etc.) on their school-issued Chromebooks. Students will periodically be able to check their email and respond to a parent/guardian via email if needed.

For more information:

Learn more?

Take a few moments and read these articles that look at cell phones, students, and learning: