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A Registered Nurse is on staff in each school building in the district to assist students who may become ill or injured during the school day. School nurses are employed by the school district to provide medical coverage for illnesses or accidents that occur during school hours. Please understand that we are not licensed to diagnose. If you have real concerns regarding your child’s health please consult your physician.
When should I keep my child home?
Our goal is to provide a safe, healthy environment where all students can learn. Sending a child to school with symptoms such a fever, an earache, vomiting, diarrhea, cough or green discharge from the nose needlessly exposes other children to illness. If you question whether your child is too ill for school, please keep him/her home. Other reminders:
Screening hearing and vision
School must perform vision tests for students in grades K-3, 5, 7 & 10. and hearing tests for students in grades Pre-K or Kindergarten, 1, 3, 5, 7 and 11.
First aid
Immunization requirements for students
Effective January 1, 2005 New York State requires that all students be immunized against Varicella (chickenpox), Pertussis (whooping cough) and tetanus as requirements for school entry and attendance. See this link of required immunizations by grade level(s).
Public Health Law §2164, as amended by Chapter 35 of the Laws of 2019, requires all students attending school to be vaccinated and removes any removes all religious exemptions. The law defines schools to include any public, private or parochial child-caring center, day nursery, day care agency, nursery school, kindergarten, elementary, intermediate, or secondary school. The NYS Department of Health, Office of Child Services, and State Education Department issued a joint FAQ document to more clearly answer parent questions.
New York state requires that all students entering grades PreK or kindergarten, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11 have student physicals. Physicals may be performed by the family’s physician or by the school’s Physician Assistant. Athletes are required to have a physical annually to participate in interscholastic sports.
NYS School Health Examination Form - Physician Physical
Restrictions of physical activity
Students who have suffered an illness or injury that prevents them from participating in physical education classes must provide a signed note from the students’ physician stating such.
Medication requests
All medications, including over-the- counter products such as lotions/creams, cold and cough medications, and analgesics (Tylenol, Advil) require the following:
Body Mass Index (BMI) Screening
As part of the required school health exam for students in grades PreK, K, 2, 4, 7 and 10, staff measures each child’s height and weight. These numbers are used to calculate a student’s body mass index (BMI). The district must submit a general summary of this information to the NYS Department of Health on an annual basis. No information about individual students will be included. However, if you do not want your child’s weight status information to be included as part of the general summary, you may opt-out by notifying your child’s school nurse in writing.
Mental Health
Students can suffer when they can longer cope with the pressures of school, social interactions, or home life. Central Valley Central School District is committed to every student's Social and Emotional Learning (SEL). Please consider these mental health resources or contact us if you see signs your child is struggling.
Pediculosis (head lice) protocol
Central Valley Central School District has adopted procedures to provide a consistent protocol to eradicate head lice in the school setting. (more information)
Barringer Road Elementary School
Amanda Jaquay
326 Barringer Road
Ilion, NY 13357
Phone: 315-894-5000 ext 65911
Fax: 315-894-0153
Central Valley Academy
Rhonda White, RN
111 Frederick St.
Ilion, NY 13357
Phone: 315-894-5000 ext 55911
Fax: 315-895-5255
Fisher Elementary School
Brandy Vogel, RN
10 Fisher Ave.
Mohawk, NY 13407
Phone: 315-894-5000, ext 75911
Fax: 315-866-0055
Jarvis Middle School
Tara McLean, RN
28 Grove St.
Mohawk, NY 13407
Phone: 315-894-5000, ext 85911
Fax: 315-867-2909